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10 Tips for Safe Travel in the New Normal
woman following safety covid rules

10 Tips for Safe Travel in the New Normal

1. Always wear a mask

cubrebocas para viajar - 10 Tips para Viajar con Seguridad en la Nueva Normalidad

As a preventive measure, when you share with other people, in any means of transport, during your excursions or outdoors, it is very important that you use the mask. Take two or three face masks with you on your trip, preferably washable so you can reuse them.

If you travel to a hot destination or a big city, it is recommended that you change it or wash it every day. This will prevent the accumulation of dust, sweat and bad smells.


2. Wash or disinfect your hands frequently

desinfecta tus manos al viajar - 10 Tips para Viajar con Seguridad en la Nueva Normalidad

Washing your hands frequently or using a disinfectant gel is not only a measure that we should take at home. It is advisable to carry or have on hand a clean cloth or rag to dry our hands, disposable paper, wet wipes to clean surfaces and alcohol-based hand sanitizers.


3. Keep a healthy distance

sana distancia al viajar (1)

It does not matter if you are on public transport, on the plane, at airports or abroad. As far as possible, keep at least one meter of distance with other people. Avoid crowds, respect the signs, indications of the airport staff, the hotel or the authority itself.

In some Mexican cities, sanctions are already being applied to people and establishments that do not respect the healthy distance, are the reason for crowds or do not want to use face masks. Take it into account!.


4. Book your activities and hotels online

reserva en linea tours y hotel

When planning your trip and avoiding going out, look for agencies that allow you to see packages, offers or promotions online so that you do not have to go to a physical location. Use facebook, your email or even WhatsApp to get in touch with a travel agent.

On the other hand, make sure who you are dealing with, since the crisis and the reopening of tourism attracts those who are dedicated to scam travelers by creating duckling travel agencies or posing as employees of recognized travel agencies.

Before paying and even if it is a reliable travel agency, request that account numbers, telephones and quotes be sent directly to your email from a company email account, to ensure that the person you are dealing with actually works in the travel agency with which you want to book your hotel, flight or package.


5. Check the recommendations of your airline

5. Consulta las recomendaciones de tu línea aérea

In order to continue flying, airlines have had to adapt to the protocols of each country to prevent COVID-19. But not only that, some airlines have their own safety and hygiene measures, such as blocking seats, coronavirus tests before boarding, etc.

We suggest you approach your airline to learn more about the new protocols when traveling and to which you will have to submit, they are not in any way optional and are for the safety of all passengers.

Whether you are going to take a flight to Cancun departing from Mexico City or from Monterrey, hygiene and prevention measures also apply to airports.


6. Avoid using coins or bills as much as possible

no usar billetes o monedas covid al viajar

To avoid contact with coins and bills that have surely passed through thousands of hands, when paying preferably use your debit, credit card or some other form of digital payment. It will also help you to have better control of your expenses.

If you are going to travel abroad, call your bank so that your purchases and movements in another country do not activate the bank’s security measures and cause your card to be blocked. Keep an eye out!


7. Walk or explore by bike

tips para viajar en la nueva normalidad - bicicleta

Consider tours that allow you to be outdoors, walk, or ride a bike. You have fun, coexist, explore, know and everything in the healthy distance that the bicycle, ATV or the environment gives you.


8. Stay outdoors

mantente en exteriores al viajar covid

Being outdoors has less risk of catching coronavirus than being in an office, inside a restaurant or some closed space inside your hotel. At the same time you can create more distance between people and there is more fresh air.

If you want information on how COVID-19 spreads, we invite you to consult the WHO site, knowing more will help you travel safely and protect your family.


9. Travel light

viaja ligero covid

Avoid bringing things that are not essential, less things, less luggage, it is equal to less contact. In addition to allowing you to travel more comfortably, you can choose a cheaper rate when traveling.


10. Be patient, kind and respectful

se empatico y respetuoso covid

If something that we have lacked in this pandemic is to have empathy with those who have not had a good time. Of all the industries and businesses that may have been affected by the pandemic, tourism is perhaps one of the most affected worldwide.

We all want to travel safely again! But the reactivation and return to normality requires the participation of everyone, hotels, service providers and of course the travelers themselves.

You may or may not believe in COVID-19, but if you are not willing to follow the rules, better stay home and allow more people to enjoy or find some peace, quiet or rest among all the noise that 2020 has brought. .

Happy travels!